
Redundancy Is the Answer

Have you ever wondered how your alarm system contacts local authorities when you need assistance? The typical alarm system, when triggered, will call out to a dispatch center through your home or office’s landline. Having a reliable connection between your alarm system and landline is crucial in making sure local authorities are reached when you need them.That is why we at Tasco Security perform a confidence check once a week. This confidence check will send a test signal from your system to our UL Listed Dispatch Center, and lets us know if your system is communicating properly. Sometimes our confidence…

5 Easy Landscaping Tricks for Added Security

Believe it or not, your home’s landscaping can drastically change the effectiveness of your security. While we stand buy our custom security systems, these five easy landscaping tips can give your security system an extra boost. 1. Tree SpacingTrees are great for adding shade and privacy to your yard, but they can also provide easy access to second story windows. When planting trees, or updating your landscape, consider how far those trees are from your house. Trimming back existing boughs can also alleviate this possible security hazard.2. Shrubbery and HedgesThe idyllic New England home often boasts at least a couple…

Is Your Security System Up-to-Date for Your Lifestyle

So you have a security system for your home or office, but when was the last time you looked into how effective it is within your lifestyle. Tasco Security is known for creating custom security systems to fit the needs of each of our clients. One size fits all security just doesn’t cut it. Maybe you recently got a pet that could set off your motion sensors. Or perhaps your home has now become a part-time residence while you travel the world. Are you interested in regular monitoring in case of an emergency? Is remote access to climate controls and…

Benefits of Using A Local Security Service

Commercial and home security services are an important thing to look into for your business and/or family, but with so many security services out there, how do you choose? At Tasco Security, we understand your need for increased security. So, let us pose a question to you. If you have a medical emergency, would you call your local emergency dispatch, or would you call a brand name medical responder three states over? Of course you would choose the one who could get to you faster and was closer to you.That is exactly how we treat our security services. Tasco Security…

Home Security Tips You May Not Know About

Homeowners do their best to keep their home safe from potential break ins, often employing the use of a home security system to protect inhabitants and valuables. While a security system is always a must and is the best way to go about keeping a home safe, it's not the entire picture. There are certain things any homeowner can do to supplement the power of a home security system, such as changing locks, unique security codes, and securing garage doors and windows at all times. If you are seeking further ways you can protect your home that goes beyond relying…

Protecting Your Home During Winter with Your Home Security System

Depending on where you live, the weather can be pretty unpredictable. This is especially true when the seasons are on the verge of changing. It can be freezing one day and in the 80s the next, causing a great deal of confusion to plants, animals, and even your security system. Environmental sensors are one of the best ways to protect your security system during the winter, particularly in colder environments where snow can tamper with electricity. Some environmental sensors also detect freezing temperatures, helping home owners get a head start on protecting their home from damage before it starts. In…

Home Security Trends for 2015

Many of the new trends we are seeing in 2015 in regards to home security are extremely similar to the ones we have observed evolving within the past five years. Integration of home security is one of the biggest trends we're going to continue to see, as is video security and remote monitoring. The advancing technology of smartphones is allowing homeowners to gain more control over what is happening in their home security, and more and more people are continuing to take advantage of this technology to keep their home safe. While home systems are constantly in motion (in response,…

Consumer Electronics Show 2015 Recap

Every year in the first week of January, the consumer electronics industry is abuzz with excitement over the CES, or the Consumer Electronics Show. Hundreds of companies from all over the world come to show off their products that will be coming to market in 2015. Batteries, memory chips, and computer programs are just a few of the items displayed this year. Older products have gotten a reboot for 2015, reflecting the ever changing state of electronics. Here are some of the highlights from the CES show of 2015: POV Cameras. A point of view camera is a fun gadget…

Security Camera Internet Safety Tips

Perhaps you have heard recent alarming news reporting on recent security camera hacking sites. Although this news is reason to take extra diligence when choosing your alarm system, home and business owners can be assured that security cameras are the best protection for your home and business. Here are some tips to make sure you are getting optimal security from your security camera system: Change the Default Password. Most people purchase their security camera from a typical supermarket or big-box store. These security cameras have pre-coded passwords that many homeowners forget to change. This password is mainly a specific code…

How to Protect Your Home While away for the Holidays

The holiday season often involves travel, as many families will leave their home to spend time with relatives and friends, usually over the span of a few days. Going away from home can provide a change of scenery, yet it also creates a sense of worry for some homeowners. Leaving a home for days on end can increase intrusion risk if certain precautions aren’t taken beforehand, and risk increases even more without a proper security system. Fortunately, there are simple things any homeowner should keep in mind before heading off for the holidays. Here are some of the most important…
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