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How Landscaping Can Affect Your Home Security

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landscaping-and-home-security-blogHomeowners typically landscape their home to increase satisfaction and enjoyment of their residence. Many seek the services of a landscaper to help increase their home's value, an action that can be a great investment for one's future. Regardless of the reasons why someone chooses to landscape their home, there is one hidden benefit that often goes unnoticed—security. Landscaping can affect one's home security in many ways and, by being conscious of it during the process, can support protection for years to come.

Here are a couple of the key ways landscaping can promote the security of your home:

  • Outdoor Lighting. One of the key ways to make a home more aesthetically appealing is by installing outdoor lighting. Many homeowners choose to install lighting on their porch, windows, garage, and backyard deck. This lighting can be helpful for outdoor activities that occur at night, like family get-togethers. The added benefit of outdoor lighting is that it wards off potential intruders. Many burglaries happen when outdoor lighting is minimal or nonexistent, so installing lighting in multiple areas can be extremely helpful.
  • Plants. New shrubs should be chosen not just out of its attractiveness, but also by recognizing its potential ability to deter unwanted guests. Prickly shrubs planted near first-floor windows may help deter intruders, especially at night. Heavy stones or potted plants near the front and/or backdoor can also provide barriers that might discourage unnecessary foot traffic at night. Planting trees, while good for the environment, may also provide a security advantage. Some trees, especially older ones, can have hidden cameras installed to monitor outdoor activity, further increasing a homeowner's peace of mind.

Security is of utmost importance when it comes to maintaining a healthy, happy home. There are so many avenues through which a homeowner can increase his or her security and the security of the neighborhood. Homeowners seeking landscaping strategies may wish to seek a referral or advice from a professional security company to gather ideas.