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Why Commercial Security Should Be A Priority As Businesses Reopen During The Pandemic

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Businesses throughout Vermont and New Hampshire are now reopening under strict guidelines put in place by their respective state Governments. The term “business-as-usual” may never be used again as these commercial enterprises re-open to a new reality that is both uncertain and challenging.


Vermont covidrecovery

Vermont has put together a resource from the Agency of Commerce and Community Development outlining “Restart Vermont Resources”. Here you can learn more about maximum retail occupant load and certificate of compliance for guests of lodging, campgrounds, and other accommodations.


stay at home

New Hampshire has a new Stay at Home 2.0 plan. There are resources here for businesses, recreational and tourism guidance, visitors and a timeline.  



The CDC also has provided guidance to businesses as well “Interim Guidance for Businesses and Employers Responding to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), May 2020”. The latest update from May 6th states:

Updated strategies and recommendations for employers responding to COVID-19, including those seeking to resume normal or phased business operations:

  • Conducting daily health checks
  • Conducting a hazard assessment of the workplace
  • Encouraging employees to wear cloth face coverings in the workplace, if appropriate
  • Implementing policies and practices for social distancing in the workplace
  • Improving the building ventilation system

The recommendations and strategies outlined above from both the state of Vermont, New Hampshire and the Federal Govt. are helpful but will require a lot of effort from business owners to implement.

In addition to adhering to these requirements, there is the additional concern of increased risks from burglars, shoplifters, and vandals, who will have new opportunities in a struggling and reopened economy. As businesses transition to their new realities working with a local security company can give them peace of mind in these uncertain times.

Below are a few commercial security solutions that are worth considering  to help navigate these new regulations:

  • Installing or upgrading to a high-resolution security camera surveillance system that can monitor for burglaries, shoplifting as well as ensure you are complying with new state rules on hygiene and occupancy levels.
  • Utilizing an access control system to control who has access to your business or areas of your business. Access control systems utilize commercial security technologies such as touchless proximity readers that will help to limit the spread of viruses.
  • Installing a new or upgraded alarm system. Many businesses are now embracing “working from home”, this has resulted in a lot of empty commercial buildings/spaces that are the perfect target for a burglary or looting. FBI statistics say 60% of commercial burglary attempts occur after business hours when employees aren’t on-site.
  • Updated commercial security systems can also monitor for environmental detection. In the event of a natural disaster such as fire, carbon monoxide, or a burst pipe a business owner can be alerted immediately to take action before experiencing catastrophic damages.
  • Other commercial security solutions to consider include video intercom systems as well as thermal cameras - depending on the needs of your business.
  • Many businesses also receive a break on insurance rates when they utilize certified business security solutions.  

At Tasco Security, we have been installing and servicing commercial businesses throughout Vermont and New Hampshire for over 50 years. Our trained and certified security technicians provide the highest quality service and utilize the latest in advanced security technologies. Our business partners rely on us for not only our products and services but also for our expertise, advice and knowledge in securing their business against each unique situation they may encounter.

If your business requires a new security solutions or you would just like us to come out and give you a security audit and discuss options - we are always available. At Tasco we are your local security experts, give us a call today.