"On February 3, 2011 at 15:58:37 a living room motion alarm went off at the home ... in Springfield, NH. The operators did end up contacting Paul ..., her son, who lives at ... in Springfield, NH and is also monitored by Tasco. Paul said he would head up to his Mom’s house and on his way, he saw two police cruisers hand-cuffing someone down the road. Upon arrival at his house, he noticed one small casement window that was broken, a large garbage bag with nothing in it and only a broken vase which the intruder probably broke when he was high-tailing it out of this house. Nothing was taken. Paul is VERY HAPPY on the outcome. He said this alarm probably saved 4 other houses near this one. KUDOS TO TASCO, THE MONITORING STATION."

- Susan - Springfield, Vermont

PO Box 850, Lebanon, NH 03766 800-546-5552 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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