
Top Five Security Tips for Your Home

Published in Blog

According to the FBI, every 15 seconds a burglar breaks into a home in the United States. This is a staggering figure, especially considering that most homeowners feel that their house is secure. We have put together five simple tips to help protect your home, and enhance your home's overall security.

  1. Make Some Noise
    An alarm system is probably the easiest thing to get started with securing your home. A lot of people leave this feature to being less obvious as others. Hanging a sign up on your front lawn indicating that you have a home alarm, might disturb your landscape's aesthetics; however, it is a big thing in deterring a would be burglar.
  2. Don't Broadcast
    This is a very simple tip, but one that is oftentimes overlooked. With today's access to the internet and various social media platforms, many people like to broadcast their everyday plans. This is an absolute no-no. As a society, we like to share with our family and friends what we are doing or planning to do. However, we might also be sharing a little bit too much information that can get into the wrong hands. You can share with family and friends when you are going on vacation, just keep it offline.
  3. Spare Key Hiding Spot
    The days of placing a key under your doormat, or in a fake rock, are dead and gone. Putting a key in a convenient and obvious place will certainly help you when you find yourself locked out of your house, but it also helps burglars at getting in as well. The best-case scenario is to drop off a spare key with a trusted neighbor or two. If losing your key is a consistent happening, you might want to invest in a keypad lock.
  4. Light Up The Night
    What is the one thing that a would-be burglar looks to avoid? To not be caught! That is why darkness is a great cover for robbers. With that being said, a simple tip would be light up your house. Yard lights are great, but don't forget those potential hiding spots (i.e. clusters of trees, free standing structures, etc). A motion detector would be a good decision as well for both the front and back of the house.
  5. Lock It Up
    Examine your doors and windows and see if you have the extra cash to invest in sturdy locks and burly doors. This is a place to not go cheap on either. The door should be solid wood or metal, so it holds if the burglar tries for the movie scene of kicking in the door.

These are very simple tips that can help prevent your home from being victim to those pesky burglars. If you have any question or are in search of additional tips and tricks, let us know at

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