"On February 3, 2011 at 15:58:37 a living room motion alarm went off at the home ... in Springfield, NH. The operators did end up contacting Paul ..., her son, who lives at ... in Springfield, NH and is also monitored by Tasco. Paul said he would head up to his Mom’s house and on his way, he saw two police cruisers hand-cuffing someone down the road. Upon arrival at his house, he noticed one small casement window that was broken, a large garbage bag with nothing in it and only a broken vase which the intruder probably broke when he was high-tailing it out of this house. Nothing was taken. Paul is VERY HAPPY on the outcome. He said this alarm probably saved 4 other houses near this one. KUDOS TO TASCO, THE MONITORING STATION."

- Susan - Springfield, Vermont

"I am one of your customers who called on you a few days ago and I thank you for your calm and courtesy. I write now to praise Eric S., who may be described as the complete individual who loves his job. He enters a home, presents himself, and then goes about attacking the problems ahead. There is no noise. He handles everything with speed and efficiency. It has been our very good fortune to have him come to our home twice for service. By the way, it was he who suggested the plan that we now have, and we are grateful for his advice. He is clearly a man who loves what he does and is proud of his work. We esteem him highly and know that his very presence is assurance of a job well done. Indeed, Tasco Security should be proud of this extraordinary member of your team. Thank you for listening."

- John R. - Norwich, Vermont

"...Praise - Paul M. is a exceptional person. As you know I have been doing facilities management work for over 23 years. I have worked with hundreds of people. It is so refreshing to work with someone who is positive, capable, and understands how to present and tackle problems with clarity and poise. In every dealing I have ever had with Paul he never seems to waiver from this tenor. Feel fortunate to have this caliber of person in your company."

- Tim F. - Woodward Associates, Hanover, NH

"Eric S. came to my home a few days ago and, in his usual way, was immediately set to task, while I was working on a paper of national importance. I was not bothered by the least. Eric has been in our home three times and my wife also appreciated his precise approach to each problem, done with his supreme knowledge and tactics. My wife and I immediately joined the plan that we have under his encouragement. I am sure that all your employees, and certainly April at the switchboard, are superb. I daresay, Sir, you must be a happy man."

- John A. - Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH

PO Box 850, Lebanon, NH 03766 800-546-5552 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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